Wednesday, January 10, 2007


so, i have been working out harder than my elbows, and i have been staying away from pot like a gardenphobiast, and i have had the worst gas of my life on treadmills to large amounts of nearby joggers, most of them hot, most of them hold their nose, but i enjoy making hot girls cringe over anyone else because they also get gas, i didnt realize this until today, but they do, and im sure they experience it less than most since guys try and hold their filth, so im gonna give em what they have been pining for, i dance like a sober sarcastic hippy willing love like a prostitute, my roomate blows amazing glass, he showed me a pendant he made today and i nearly shit a package marked with a this side up sticker but handled improperly, come to think of it my roomates do lines of blow ontop of my "mmm burgers" sign i got at tomfoolery and i dont even flinch, what have i become, i don't judge anyone, only myself and people with egos higher than their actual worth, but enough of this flabergasting lollyganging thought experiment because its turning my brain and insides into shivilry, two minutes ago i through two wine bottles at the loud ass chico train and scouffed because it deserved it, running right next to my apartment and shit

the previous was written as fast as possible to the rapture Pieces of the People we Love

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