Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Break Bleak Eros of Identity

I am done fucking around, due to some factors outside my general desire to be lazy, i am going to live striclty under some maxims during the next five weeks, and if time permitting i want as many maxims to extend through my last chico semester.

1. Workout, in some way, everyday... playing basketball and racketball counts, drinking arizona ice tea whie chillaxin by the pool doesn't.
2. Write and Read eveyday. that's right kids, lots of stupid commentary and intelligent philosophical nonsense... god help us
3. Look for lots of small jobs, if not, lie about it and say you did
4. Remember, when going to a bar, you have a set of morals you want to abide by, but the next two weeks carries a significant qualifier, namely that of the absence of standards.
5. Keep up the absence of smoking, lungs are more important than your face
6. Love thyself harder than you have ever loved Greg parker.

That last one might be difficult, but i'm gonna try my damndest


The Nieman D said...

Standards are for those with morals and morals are for those with ethics and ethics are for those whom have never loved greg parker in the way you and i have. therefore, you and i will go to bars and have NO standards and be loud and unruly about it, or be damned to sit for eternity in a dimly lit room full of moths watching a large and sweaty man once known as LD meditate. Saturday night alright, alright?

The Crazy Adventures Speed Team said...

saturday night fa'sho